PrimaryCare and Community Together
Primarycare And Community Together (PACT) is an innovative new social enterprise which will deliver targeted local patient centered public health and medicine initiatives that address some of the most entrenched health issues facing society.
PACT will use the unique network of community pharmacy outlets to deliver programmes in partnership with others including local host communities. The benefits of this socially innovative approach include, savings to hard pressed health budgets, improving health outcomes, supporting local business and upskilling and creating employment within communities.
Another ground breaking aspect of PACT is the partnership with the Ulster University and the Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre (MOIC) who will carry out pioneering evaluation and develop accredited training programmes for both pharmacists, pharmacy support staff and community/voluntary sector employees. This will result in up skilling of the pharmacy profession and community and voluntary sector, contribute to research, leading to service development, patient benefit and improvement of health care.
The Directors of PACT have considerable experience in business, management, education, pharmacy and healthcare as well as experience working across the private, public and community sectors.
PACT will use the unique network of over 500 points of presence created by community pharmacy network to deliver programmes in partnership with other health care providers, local community and voluntary sector organisations and host communities. Pharmacists are ideally situated to deliver this service and many are already involved in community projects. Community Pharmacists skills, experience and knowledge can deliver services that drive better patient outcomes. The community sector partners have the skills and experience to engage some of the most difficult to reach individuals within their communities and support them to benefit from the health initiatives.