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Community Led Medicines Support Project.

The PACT pilot project is for the delivery of a six month innovative pharmacy and community based medicine support initiative for socially isolated and vulnerable adults. 


The pilot will provide targeted support and help to 60 individuals over two different geographical locations, who are identified as socially isolated or vulnerable adults and have problems with understanding or complying with their medicines. 


The pilot aim, in conjunction with other public health initiatives, is to help these individuals reverse their health issues, improve their wellbeing and help to provide a focus on patient support to achieve improved medicines related outcomes and adherence. 


It will also support collaboration between health and social care professionals, the community/voluntary sector and housing.


This will also provide evidence that this unique partnership model is replicable, scalable and transferable to other chronic conditions.

This project is being funded from DHSSPS Innovation Funding and evaluated by the Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre. (MOIC) 

PACT Contact us - 02890656576

©2018 by PrimaryCare and Community Together. 

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